
Linter phpstorm
Linter phpstorm

linter phpstorm

Now when you type it’ll lint the code, and when you save it’ll auto format it to match the WordPress coding standards.Create a. In Advance Settings – uncheck all options.Program – /Users/laranz/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcbf.Navigate to PhpStrom -> Preferences -> Tools -> File Watchers and click the “+” icon, and we need to configure it like below.

linter phpstorm

To do so,Īnd copy the path, for me it is in /Users/laranz/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcbf PHP_CodeSniffer comes with a handy script phpcbf to format our code using any of the installed Standards, in our case of course, the WordPress way.įor Visual Studio Code, we rely mostly on third-party plugins to do this, but for PhpStrom it has a build in plugin called “ File Watchers“, in short “It is a PhpStorm system that tracks changes to your files and runs a third-party standalone application.”, in our case we need to run phpcbf on each save. Configure PhpStrom for PHP_CodeSniffer code Formatting. One more step remaining to enable the code linting, Navigate to PhpStrom -> Preferences -> Editor -> Inspections -> PHP -> Quality tools -> PHP_CodeSniffer validation from there enable the validation and in the coding standard choose “WordPress”.Ĥ. Navigate to PhpStrom -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Quality Tools -> PHP_CodeSniffer and in PHP_CodeSniffer path, paste the above path you got from terminal command and click Validate, if all works fine, it gives us a OK message. Configure PhpStrom for PHP_CodeSniffer code linting.įirst type this command on your terminal,Īnd copy the path, for me it is in /Users/laranz/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs Navigate to PhpStrom -> Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> PHP and then click “Set from…” and from there, choose WordPress. Configure WordPress Code Style in PhpStrom. Phpcs -config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs 2. Now add the installed WordPress coding standard to the phpcs default standards list by running this command on the terminal, Fire up your terminal and type these commands.Ĭomposer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer wp-coding-standards/wpcs.Installed Composer using the official doc: Introduction – Composer ().phpcbf is a script to automatically correct coding standard violations.phpcs is a script that tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard.PHP_CodeSniffer is a set of two PHP scripts It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Install Composer, PHP_CodeSniffer and WordPress Coding Standards for PHP_CodeSniffer What is Composer?Ĭomposer is a tool for dependency management in PHP.

linter phpstorm

Let’s configure PhpStrom for WordPress Development 1.

Linter phpstorm